Sringeri days ..Part 26
What Umesha told us lingered in my thought for long . Wondered why we should force imagine anything at all , even as an aid for dhyana. Should we not take a witness bhava and wait for things to happen on their own? If we seek something and when it materializes, we would not know if it was a projection of mind or a natural occurrence. But the blue light thing was fascinating. The need to align the
Umesha told us that Siddhasana was the best for meditation; with the heels aligned with genitals, and Maha Bandha done, Kundalini rises. This instruction can be found in any Raja Yoga book. What made it deep and insightful for us was his narration of how Jyeshta Mahasannidhanam was taught by Lord Shiva himself. He narrated it so nonchalantly as if Lord Shiva was an ordinary Yoga Instructor.
As we all felt so undeservingly lucky to be instructed by a jnani who was taught by Lord Pashupathi Shiva who invented Yoga himself ! And that too with added benfit of mentorship by Siddha Purusha Umesha! The instrument in all this was none other than our dear ‘Paappaa Kannan’, who is so unassuming that he does not accept any credit in the whole thing even today- even after delivering 40 years of benefits to so many of us. My gratitude to him will hopefully travel with me when I breathe last.
Though Umesha joked that I don’t need the blue wave help as I was given nirguna dhyana , I did not ignore it. I took it seriously for two reasons – one, I never accepted the dichotomy of nirguna and saguna, as both are mere characterizations. The Maadhwa in me would always remind me that nirguna is also a guna or why mention that? More importantly, every syllable of jyeshata mahasannidhanam was a treasure trove for me. That is why I hardly spoke otr asked anything in his presence. One sentence or guidance will need one lifetime to implement for a lowly life like me and so why ask for something that I can’t handle in this life .
So, I began the practice of Yoga as taught by our master Paappa Kannan .
This practice continued for decades and over the time would prove every word I read in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and every direction of jyeshta Mahasannidhanam. My dhyana deepened and the Maha Bandha happened by itself- jalandhara, Uddiyana and Mula locked itself. The blue waves spread across, starting between eyebrows and spreading around. Since I had no form to meditate on, the pranava resounded as if a rishi was was chanting in a deep well.
There are two causes of the activities of the mind: (1) Vâsanâ (desires) and (2) the respiration (the Prâṇa). Of these, the destruction of the one is the destruction of both.
When the Brahma granthi (in the heart) is pierced the anâhata sounds, like various tinkling sounds of ornaments, are heard . When Viṣṇu knot (in the throat) is pierced which is indicated by highest pleasure experienced, the Bherî sound (like the beating of a kettle drain) is heard. In the third stage, the sound of a drum is known to arise in tie Sûnya between the eyebrows,
When the Rudra granthi is pierced the perfect sound like that of a flute is produced.
To experience all these theoretical statements of Hatha Yoga Pradipika was too stunning, given that I was still an ordinary gruhasta, doing my masters in engineering. From Umesha’s tales we learn that this was what SSANB taught Shri Chandrashekara Bharati ; who in turn trained jyeshta Mahasannidhanam who mentored Umesha . And we lttle sparrows got drenched by this amruta even as we weren’t seeking it nor did we realized the value.
Years later I would get stuned to get hear of the same in Pondicherry Manakkula Vinayagar temple. My wife and I just moved there from Lucknow on a new job ; we were told of this historic temple and we visited. As I stood there worshipping the Ganapathi, Sirkazhi Govindarajan was singing through the CD player and the words caught my attention. The beautiful rendering can be heard in the link
ஒன்பது வாயில் ஒருமந் திரத்தால்
ஐம்புலக் கதவை அடைப்பதும் காட்டி
ஆறா தாரத்(து) அங்குச நிலையும்
பேறா நிறுத்திப் பேச்சுரை யறுத்தே
இடைபிங் கலையின் எழுத்தறி வித்துக்
கடையிற் சுழுமுனைக் கபாலமும் காட்டி
மூன்றுமண் டலத்தின் முட்டிய தூணின்
நான்றெழு பாம்பின் நாவில் உணர்த்திக்
குண்டலி யதனிற் கூடிய அசபை
விண்டெழு மந்திரம் வெளிப்பட உரைத்து
மூலா தாரத்தின் மூண்டெழு கனலைக்
காலால் எழுப்பும் கருத்தறி வித்தே
இடைச்சக் கரத்தின் ஈரெட்டு நிலையும்
உடல்சக் கரத்தின் உறுப்பையும் காட்டிச்
வாக்கும் மனமும் இல்லா மனோலயம்
தேக்கியே யென்றன் சிந்தை தெளிவித்(து)
எல்லை யில்லா ஆனந் தம்அளித்(து)
அல்லல் களைந்தே அருள்வழி காட்டிச்
சத்தத்தின் உள்ளே சதாசிவம் காட்டிச்
சித்தத்தின் உள்ளே சிவலிங்கம் காட்டி
The most interesting aspect was not that the Avvaiyar song was about Kunadlini Yoga, but it menstions how we can trigger Kundalini by the pressure applied by Heels on the muladhara chakra - மூலா தாரத்தின் மூண்டெழு கனலைக் காலால் எழுப்பும் கருத்தறி வித்தே
I stood frozen, as the song went on explaining the entire Turiya anubhava.
This ability to realize and connect what I observe at different places and situations with what was taught by Umesha and jyeshta Mahasannidhanam was greatest boon that was bestwed on me.
This meant that Acharya was every where, any time, whisphering the true import of things into my ears in the brain. But this would happen over years. As went back to the routine after getting trained in Yoga, I was facing another life altering decision point. The Masters was coming to a close and what would I do next ? I had already gotten a class I officer job in central government and was trying to be selected as a Management Trainee at HAL. Will these jobs come in the way of my sadhana was a moot point. I was keen on doing my Phd as I admired teaching profession. I had applied for phd in Tata Institute in Banagalore and hoped to follow the footstpes of Dr.Subbaramaiah. I was happy when I received the interview call and rushed to the Institute.
I never expected that James Clark Maxwell , who I had challenged during the undergard days, would be biding his time patiently to strike . After a short period of pleasant Q&A, the interview panelists asked me to go to the black board and derive Maxwell’s equations from the first principles.
The ground slipped away from my feet and I stared blankly at the board.
I stared at the large blackboard and then at the professors who sat there staring back at me. It was obvious that they were enjoying my discomfiture. They were a bit bored too, having seen so many PhD candidates fumble. Tata Institute, almost appeared to be frozen for me, but for the sounds of chirruping birds in the lush woods.
I started hesitantly. “ You take Gaus’s electric and magnetism laws, look at Faraday’s laws and Ampere’s circuit laws. Correct them for conservation of electric charge and rewrite in terms of Fields. You get it”.
“Derive and show us”, the professors chuckled. After all you want a phD in telecommunications and you better know this was their attitude.
I prayed to Rayaru ,Jyeshta mahasannidhanam and strated to derivations. I struggled for an hour to get to some acceptable level of derivation. The professors thanked me and let me go. I was so exhausted by the experience that I decided to take the train back same day to Chennai instead of lingering in Bangalore. I was very disappointed that as Umesha’s disciple and pupil of legendary Dr.Subbaramiah, I gave such a dismal performance. All my pride for having hobnobbed with geniuses of Matscince Institute, corresponding with Dr.George Sudharshan and measuring up to the challenges of Umesha all dissolved like salt in fresh water.
With a heavy heart I alighted in Chennai and took an auto to my brother’s home. It fealt very heavy and dreary, not only because of a potential rejection by IISc; all the difficult confrontations in the family that I evaded all these months of stay in Sringeri Shankara Mutt at Chamrajpet would be waiting for me. My mother would continue where we left, pressuring me to abandon my desireto follow the footeps of Umesha; my uncle would resume threatening to excommunicate me from family circles for going the Mayavaada way. How could I even think of it, having such a great connection with guru sArvabhouma Ragahvendra theertha would be the refrain?
I was banking on PhD to buy me a bye pass to the whole confrontation, but it was looking least likely happen.
As I entered the home with an apprehension, my brother welcomed me with gusto and joy. He was the first born in the family and always wished me well. There was excitement all around and I wondered why. “ You are admiited to the phD course in Tata Institute”, my brother cried out. Every one was happy in the family except my mom. She wasn’t keen on my doing PhD on two counts – one, for about 15 years since the death of our young father we have been living under the benevolence of our paternal grandfather and she wanted all of us start pulling our weight by earning. She was also troubled by my geeting deeply involved with Sringeri and was afraid I will go the Umesh way. Like a typical mother she thought getting a job would lead to getting married. She rightly guessed that PhD enrolment would facilitate my going the Umesha way.
The very next week I got selected in the Hindusthan Aeronautics Management Trainee program. It was the most prestigious management trainee program in the country, conisidered to be next only to Tata Administrative services. With UPSC Class I officer post, I faced three choices. “ What would you do”, asked my mom. “I will ask Umesh and go by what he advises”, I replied, much to her displeasure. “So, your give more value to your friend than your mother?”, she demanded. “He is not just a friend. He is a siddha purusha who showered the grace of Vidyatheertha Mahswaminah. It is millions of janma sukruta that we get to receive the grace of such jnanis. So I will listen only to them”, I replied angrily.
As happens always, she enlisted her cousin brother who lived next door. He was a devout maadhwa and virulently anti Shankara. He tried to push me around threatening that I will end up in deep hell following Shankara whose Adcvaitha was nothing but decorated Buddhism. I just ignored him. I reached out to Umesha instead.
“ I will check with Acharya and let you know”, Umesh said when I disclosed the options I had. As I waited, he telepathically chatted with jyeshta mahasannidhanam. He then gave his command that I should go to Sringeri and discuss with Shri Bharathi Theertha who would guide me on next steps. This was a demonstration of Patanjali Yoga Sutra’s Vibhudi pAda that assures of ashta maha siddhi that are possible if once masters Samyama.
त्रयमेकत्र संयमः
श्रोत्राअकाशयोः संबन्धसंयमात् दिव्यं श्रोत्रम्
We continued to chat for some time and Umesha explaine how amruta bindu dropped during his meditation. Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes how Kechari Mudra facilitates the Somarasa drop from the crown of the head.
दवा-सप्तति-सहस्राणि नाडी-दवाराणि पञ्जरे | सुष्हुम्णा शाम्भवी शक्तिः शेष्हास्त्वेव निरर्थकाः || १८ ||
In this body there are 72,000 openings of Nâdis; of these, the Suṣumnâ, which has the Śâmhhavî Sakti in it, is the only important one, the rest are useless.
सुष्हुम्णा-वाहिनि पराणे सिद्ध्यत्येव मनोन्मनी | अन्यथा तवितराभ्यासाः परयासायैव योगिनाम ||
The Prâṇa, flowing through the Suṣumnâ, brings about the condition of manonmaṇî; other practices are simply futile for the Yogî.
छलितो|अपि यदा बिन्दुः सम्प्राप्तो योनि-मण्डलम | वरजत्यूर्ध्वं हॄतः शक्त्या निबद्धो योनि-मुद्रया ||
If the hole behind the palate be stopped with Khechari by turning the tongue upwards, then bindu cannot leave its place even if a woman were embraced.
ऊर्ध्व-जिह्वः सथिरो भूत्वा सोमपानं करोति यः | मासार्धेन न सन्देहो मॄत्युं जयति योगवित || ४४ ||
If the Yogî drinks Somarasa (juice) by sitting with the tongue turned backwards and mind concentrated, there is no doubt he conquers death .
ऊर्द्व्हास्यो रसनां नियम्य विवरे शक्तिं परां छिन्तयन | उत्कल्लोल-कला-जलं छ विमलं धारामयं यः पिबेन निर्व्याधिः स मॄणाल-कोमल-वपुर्योगी छिरं जीवति || ५१ ||
He who drinks liquor of the moon (soma) falling from the brain to the sixteen-petalled lotus , by applying the tongue to the hole of the pendant in the palate, and by meditating on the great power (Kuṇḍalinî), becomes free from disease and tender in body, like the stalk of a lotus, and the Yogî lives a very long life.
“Don’t you have to cut the tongue at the root to fold it back to block the hole at the back of the throat?” I asked. “ There is always a hard physical way and a metaphysical way. This is the difference between Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga”, he answered. “When Guru’s grace is present in abundance everything happens”.
He narrated the incident when a Hatha Yogi demosntarted all the powers of hard yoga to Shri Sacchidanada Shiva Abhinava Naraismha Bharati once.SSANAB Acaharya in turn demonstrated all the siddhis fof Kecharu Mudra without having to mutilate the tongue. (Smt Sumitra Ranganathan has sent a passage from gnaAnanda Bharati’s Acharyendra Vaibhavam that provides detils in chapter 8).
With this additional piece of learning of ‘virtual’ Kechari Mudra I offered my pranAms to Umesha and left . After years of practice I discovered that the hole in the back of the throat could be closed by enlarging the throad end of the toungue, as my own version of Kechari Mudra.
As directed I travelled to Sringeri. I rushed to Narasimha vanam and prostrated to Acharyas. Jyeshta Mahasannidhanam said Bharathi Theertharu would help me decied on my career move.
Bharathi Theertharu listened to my description of the two jobs and PhD admission attentively. He then looked at me with his usual twinkle in the eyes and asked me, “ What do you prefer – general desk job, spending lonely hours on research or interacting with people?”
What Umesha told us lingered in my thought for long . Wondered why we should force imagine anything at all , even as an aid for dhyana. Should we not take a witness bhava and wait for things to happen on their own? If we seek something and when it materializes, we would not know if it was a projection of mind or a natural occurrence. But the blue light thing was fascinating. The need to align the

As we all felt so undeservingly lucky to be instructed by a jnani who was taught by Lord Pashupathi Shiva who invented Yoga himself ! And that too with added benfit of mentorship by Siddha Purusha Umesha! The instrument in all this was none other than our dear ‘Paappaa Kannan’, who is so unassuming that he does not accept any credit in the whole thing even today- even after delivering 40 years of benefits to so many of us. My gratitude to him will hopefully travel with me when I breathe last.
Though Umesha joked that I don’t need the blue wave help as I was given nirguna dhyana , I did not ignore it. I took it seriously for two reasons – one, I never accepted the dichotomy of nirguna and saguna, as both are mere characterizations. The Maadhwa in me would always remind me that nirguna is also a guna or why mention that? More importantly, every syllable of jyeshata mahasannidhanam was a treasure trove for me. That is why I hardly spoke otr asked anything in his presence. One sentence or guidance will need one lifetime to implement for a lowly life like me and so why ask for something that I can’t handle in this life .
So, I began the practice of Yoga as taught by our master Paappa Kannan .
This practice continued for decades and over the time would prove every word I read in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and every direction of jyeshta Mahasannidhanam. My dhyana deepened and the Maha Bandha happened by itself- jalandhara, Uddiyana and Mula locked itself. The blue waves spread across, starting between eyebrows and spreading around. Since I had no form to meditate on, the pranava resounded as if a rishi was was chanting in a deep well.
There are two causes of the activities of the mind: (1) Vâsanâ (desires) and (2) the respiration (the Prâṇa). Of these, the destruction of the one is the destruction of both.
When the Brahma granthi (in the heart) is pierced the anâhata sounds, like various tinkling sounds of ornaments, are heard . When Viṣṇu knot (in the throat) is pierced which is indicated by highest pleasure experienced, the Bherî sound (like the beating of a kettle drain) is heard. In the third stage, the sound of a drum is known to arise in tie Sûnya between the eyebrows,
When the Rudra granthi is pierced the perfect sound like that of a flute is produced.
To experience all these theoretical statements of Hatha Yoga Pradipika was too stunning, given that I was still an ordinary gruhasta, doing my masters in engineering. From Umesha’s tales we learn that this was what SSANB taught Shri Chandrashekara Bharati ; who in turn trained jyeshta Mahasannidhanam who mentored Umesha . And we lttle sparrows got drenched by this amruta even as we weren’t seeking it nor did we realized the value.
Years later I would get stuned to get hear of the same in Pondicherry Manakkula Vinayagar temple. My wife and I just moved there from Lucknow on a new job ; we were told of this historic temple and we visited. As I stood there worshipping the Ganapathi, Sirkazhi Govindarajan was singing through the CD player and the words caught my attention. The beautiful rendering can be heard in the link
ஒன்பது வாயில் ஒருமந் திரத்தால்
ஐம்புலக் கதவை அடைப்பதும் காட்டி
ஆறா தாரத்(து) அங்குச நிலையும்
பேறா நிறுத்திப் பேச்சுரை யறுத்தே
இடைபிங் கலையின் எழுத்தறி வித்துக்
கடையிற் சுழுமுனைக் கபாலமும் காட்டி
மூன்றுமண் டலத்தின் முட்டிய தூணின்
நான்றெழு பாம்பின் நாவில் உணர்த்திக்
குண்டலி யதனிற் கூடிய அசபை
விண்டெழு மந்திரம் வெளிப்பட உரைத்து
மூலா தாரத்தின் மூண்டெழு கனலைக்
காலால் எழுப்பும் கருத்தறி வித்தே

உடல்சக் கரத்தின் உறுப்பையும் காட்டிச்
வாக்கும் மனமும் இல்லா மனோலயம்
தேக்கியே யென்றன் சிந்தை தெளிவித்(து)
எல்லை யில்லா ஆனந் தம்அளித்(து)
அல்லல் களைந்தே அருள்வழி காட்டிச்
சத்தத்தின் உள்ளே சதாசிவம் காட்டிச்
சித்தத்தின் உள்ளே சிவலிங்கம் காட்டி
The most interesting aspect was not that the Avvaiyar song was about Kunadlini Yoga, but it menstions how we can trigger Kundalini by the pressure applied by Heels on the muladhara chakra - மூலா தாரத்தின் மூண்டெழு கனலைக் காலால் எழுப்பும் கருத்தறி வித்தே
I stood frozen, as the song went on explaining the entire Turiya anubhava.
This ability to realize and connect what I observe at different places and situations with what was taught by Umesha and jyeshta Mahasannidhanam was greatest boon that was bestwed on me.
This meant that Acharya was every where, any time, whisphering the true import of things into my ears in the brain. But this would happen over years. As went back to the routine after getting trained in Yoga, I was facing another life altering decision point. The Masters was coming to a close and what would I do next ? I had already gotten a class I officer job in central government and was trying to be selected as a Management Trainee at HAL. Will these jobs come in the way of my sadhana was a moot point. I was keen on doing my Phd as I admired teaching profession. I had applied for phd in Tata Institute in Banagalore and hoped to follow the footstpes of Dr.Subbaramaiah. I was happy when I received the interview call and rushed to the Institute.
I never expected that James Clark Maxwell , who I had challenged during the undergard days, would be biding his time patiently to strike . After a short period of pleasant Q&A, the interview panelists asked me to go to the black board and derive Maxwell’s equations from the first principles.
The ground slipped away from my feet and I stared blankly at the board.
I stared at the large blackboard and then at the professors who sat there staring back at me. It was obvious that they were enjoying my discomfiture. They were a bit bored too, having seen so many PhD candidates fumble. Tata Institute, almost appeared to be frozen for me, but for the sounds of chirruping birds in the lush woods.

I prayed to Rayaru ,Jyeshta mahasannidhanam and strated to derivations. I struggled for an hour to get to some acceptable level of derivation. The professors thanked me and let me go. I was so exhausted by the experience that I decided to take the train back same day to Chennai instead of lingering in Bangalore. I was very disappointed that as Umesha’s disciple and pupil of legendary Dr.Subbaramiah, I gave such a dismal performance. All my pride for having hobnobbed with geniuses of Matscince Institute, corresponding with Dr.George Sudharshan and measuring up to the challenges of Umesha all dissolved like salt in fresh water.
With a heavy heart I alighted in Chennai and took an auto to my brother’s home. It fealt very heavy and dreary, not only because of a potential rejection by IISc; all the difficult confrontations in the family that I evaded all these months of stay in Sringeri Shankara Mutt at Chamrajpet would be waiting for me. My mother would continue where we left, pressuring me to abandon my desireto follow the footeps of Umesha; my uncle would resume threatening to excommunicate me from family circles for going the Mayavaada way. How could I even think of it, having such a great connection with guru sArvabhouma Ragahvendra theertha would be the refrain?
I was banking on PhD to buy me a bye pass to the whole confrontation, but it was looking least likely happen.
As I entered the home with an apprehension, my brother welcomed me with gusto and joy. He was the first born in the family and always wished me well. There was excitement all around and I wondered why. “ You are admiited to the phD course in Tata Institute”, my brother cried out. Every one was happy in the family except my mom. She wasn’t keen on my doing PhD on two counts – one, for about 15 years since the death of our young father we have been living under the benevolence of our paternal grandfather and she wanted all of us start pulling our weight by earning. She was also troubled by my geeting deeply involved with Sringeri and was afraid I will go the Umesh way. Like a typical mother she thought getting a job would lead to getting married. She rightly guessed that PhD enrolment would facilitate my going the Umesha way.
The very next week I got selected in the Hindusthan Aeronautics Management Trainee program. It was the most prestigious management trainee program in the country, conisidered to be next only to Tata Administrative services. With UPSC Class I officer post, I faced three choices. “ What would you do”, asked my mom. “I will ask Umesh and go by what he advises”, I replied, much to her displeasure. “So, your give more value to your friend than your mother?”, she demanded. “He is not just a friend. He is a siddha purusha who showered the grace of Vidyatheertha Mahswaminah. It is millions of janma sukruta that we get to receive the grace of such jnanis. So I will listen only to them”, I replied angrily.
As happens always, she enlisted her cousin brother who lived next door. He was a devout maadhwa and virulently anti Shankara. He tried to push me around threatening that I will end up in deep hell following Shankara whose Adcvaitha was nothing but decorated Buddhism. I just ignored him. I reached out to Umesha instead.
“ I will check with Acharya and let you know”, Umesh said when I disclosed the options I had. As I waited, he telepathically chatted with jyeshta mahasannidhanam. He then gave his command that I should go to Sringeri and discuss with Shri Bharathi Theertha who would guide me on next steps. This was a demonstration of Patanjali Yoga Sutra’s Vibhudi pAda that assures of ashta maha siddhi that are possible if once masters Samyama.
त्रयमेकत्र संयमः
श्रोत्राअकाशयोः संबन्धसंयमात् दिव्यं श्रोत्रम्
We continued to chat for some time and Umesha explaine how amruta bindu dropped during his meditation. Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes how Kechari Mudra facilitates the Somarasa drop from the crown of the head.
दवा-सप्तति-सहस्राणि नाडी-दवाराणि पञ्जरे | सुष्हुम्णा शाम्भवी शक्तिः शेष्हास्त्वेव निरर्थकाः || १८ ||
In this body there are 72,000 openings of Nâdis; of these, the Suṣumnâ, which has the Śâmhhavî Sakti in it, is the only important one, the rest are useless.
सुष्हुम्णा-वाहिनि पराणे सिद्ध्यत्येव मनोन्मनी | अन्यथा तवितराभ्यासाः परयासायैव योगिनाम ||
The Prâṇa, flowing through the Suṣumnâ, brings about the condition of manonmaṇî; other practices are simply futile for the Yogî.
छलितो|अपि यदा बिन्दुः सम्प्राप्तो योनि-मण्डलम | वरजत्यूर्ध्वं हॄतः शक्त्या निबद्धो योनि-मुद्रया ||
If the hole behind the palate be stopped with Khechari by turning the tongue upwards, then bindu cannot leave its place even if a woman were embraced.
ऊर्ध्व-जिह्वः सथिरो भूत्वा सोमपानं करोति यः | मासार्धेन न सन्देहो मॄत्युं जयति योगवित || ४४ ||
If the Yogî drinks Somarasa (juice) by sitting with the tongue turned backwards and mind concentrated, there is no doubt he conquers death .
ऊर्द्व्हास्यो रसनां नियम्य विवरे शक्तिं परां छिन्तयन | उत्कल्लोल-कला-जलं छ विमलं धारामयं यः पिबेन निर्व्याधिः स मॄणाल-कोमल-वपुर्योगी छिरं जीवति || ५१ ||
He who drinks liquor of the moon (soma) falling from the brain to the sixteen-petalled lotus , by applying the tongue to the hole of the pendant in the palate, and by meditating on the great power (Kuṇḍalinî), becomes free from disease and tender in body, like the stalk of a lotus, and the Yogî lives a very long life.
“Don’t you have to cut the tongue at the root to fold it back to block the hole at the back of the throat?” I asked. “ There is always a hard physical way and a metaphysical way. This is the difference between Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga”, he answered. “When Guru’s grace is present in abundance everything happens”.

With this additional piece of learning of ‘virtual’ Kechari Mudra I offered my pranAms to Umesha and left . After years of practice I discovered that the hole in the back of the throat could be closed by enlarging the throad end of the toungue, as my own version of Kechari Mudra.
As directed I travelled to Sringeri. I rushed to Narasimha vanam and prostrated to Acharyas. Jyeshta Mahasannidhanam said Bharathi Theertharu would help me decied on my career move.
Bharathi Theertharu listened to my description of the two jobs and PhD admission attentively. He then looked at me with his usual twinkle in the eyes and asked me, “ What do you prefer – general desk job, spending lonely hours on research or interacting with people?”
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